Discover the enchanting world of Shirley Barber, an acclaimed author and illustrator renowned globally for her captivating works. With millions of books sold in numerous languages, Shirley's artistry continues to inspire and delight readers of all ages. Now in her eighties, she resides in Melbourne, where she still passionately creates, drawing from a rich family heritage of fine artists and a background in wallpaper design and commercial arts.
Shirley Barber's intricate fairy illustrations and her exquisite depictions of animals, flowers, and plants reflect her profound love for nature. This beautiful Fairyland colour-in and sticker book invites you to revisit cherished childhood memories while engaging in a delightful and creative activity.
Let your imagination soar with Shirley Barber's Fairyland Colour-In and Sticker Book, a perfect blend of nostalgia and creativity.
Buy this colouring book today and receive a special surprise gift (fairy related!)